
No biographies in English were found for the next eight kings - and only a few in French.

Go back one king                                                        Go forward one king


Louis X (The Quarreller)

(1314 - 1316)

John I (The Posthumous)


*John lived only five days yet is recognised as a king

Philip V (The Tall)

(1316 - 1322)

Charles IV (The Fair)

(1322 - 1328)

Philip VI (The Fortunate)

(1328 - 1350)

John II (The Good)

(1350 - 1364)

This book in French has been recommended

Charles V (The Wise)

(1364 - 1380)

This book in French has been recommended

Charles VI (The Beloved or The Mad)

(1380 - 1422)

*A biography of the mad king Charles VI isn’t likely, although there is one in French.

Despite the lack of biographies for these kings one series of books is an excellent substitute. The long-running series of books on the Hundred Years War by Jonathan Sumption is a narrative history of the war (1337 - 1453) which encompasses the last four of these kings above. It’s focus is wider than one king, realm or nation but includes all the nations dragged into the conflict. Volume 5 will conclude the series and will be published at a date to be determined.

Buy these books from Amazon

1. Trial By Battle (1990)


2. Trial By Fire (1999)


3. Divided Houses (2009)


4. Cursed Kings (2015)


*Paperback ISBNs only

  1. 1.0571200958 / 9780571200955

  2. 2.0571207375 / 9780571207374

  3. 3.0571240127 / 9780571240128

  4. 4.0571274560 / 9780571274567